A meirande parte das mesmas forman parte da colección de Eugenio Bobillo, home inquedo e metódico. Grazas á recompilación que fixo ao longo da súa vida, hoxe podemos coñecer mellor como é o sitio onde vivimos. Alguén dixo: "somos o que vivimos" eu atreveríame a engadir que "somos o que fomos".
O espazo estará sempre en construción e medrará a medida que vaia aumentando o arquivo dixital porque unha imaxe, si non se pode ver ou non se amosa é como si non existira.
Moitas grazas a todos pola comprensión e a axuda para conservar estes anacos do pasado.
Genucho, alí onde estés, aquí están as túas imaxes. Supoño que che gustará repasalas con nós e non cheguei demasiado tarde. E ben verdade que non se pode volver atrás pero a memoria continúa viva, non esmorece fácil. A remolque como en moitos aspectos da vida hai que ir chegando e as túas imaxes van chegando. Descansa en paz.
These pictures belong to private collections which were digitalized little by little. The main point of exhiving then here is to have then all together so we can have look at the evolution of our landscape in the course of the time. Since they are not mine I have to warm you that their reproduction and use is banned, otherwise it will be a risk on my account as I am the owner of this blog.
Most of the pictures are part of Eugenio Bobillo's collection, a methodic and restless man. Thanks to the compendium he has made all his life, we can nowadays know the place where we live better. Somebody said: "we are what we live", I would dare say more: we are what we were.
This place will always be changing and growing as the same time as the digital file because a picture if I can't be seen or if it isn't shown, it's like if it didn't exist.
Thanks you very much to everybody for the understanding and the help given to preserve these pieces of the past.
Procesións do día de Corpus
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Ano 1973 |
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Ano 1972 |
Pasou en Quiroga
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Incendio dunha vivenda na Praza Maior. Ano 1990 |
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Enchente do río Sil. Ano 1959 |
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Traslado da palmeira á entrada oeste de Quiroga. Ano 2001 |
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Auditorio municipal en construcción. Ano 1999 |
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